
what is?

Refine Blogs
  1. What is Henry Home?

    What is Henry Home?

    With all the features of the Henry you know and love, plus SO much more! Let's take a deeper look into how Henry Home has helped in homes all around the U.K...
  2. Henry CarKit

    Henry CarKit

    Containing everything you need for the ultimate car clean, the CarKit will leave your car seats, floor and boot looking as good as new.
  3. Henry PetKit

    Henry PetKit

    Everything you need to remove stubborn pet hairs and reduce lingering pet odours.
  4. Henry ProKit
  5. What is… MicroFresh?
  6. What is....HEPA?

    What is....HEPA?

    HEPA Filters are common in all sorts of domestic appliances but what does it actually mean?